
Dominic Smulders Dominic Smulders

Dominic has worked on the river for over 30 years running his own boat businesses. He’s passionate about the river and has served on several industry committees and been chair of some. His practical experience of working on the river is invaluable and his knowledge and river contacts a big help. He’s always had rescue animals at home and became involved with the charity when he called Swan Lifeline to help with a rogue cob swan.
His vision is to make the charity environmentally sustainable and to pass his passion of the river onto the next generation.
Cindy Smulders Cindy Smulders

Cindy has always been involved with animals, studied agriculture and has had ducks for many years, some of which were rescues. She also has rescue dogs, cats and a rescued Pygmy hedgehog. She lived by the river and is passionate about protecting its wildlife. Her professional area is public speaking, having been a global training consultant for 30 years. This strength helps us in our education programme, speaking to schools, community groups and the media.
Katy Wolfe Katy Wolfe

Katy started volunteering with Swan Lifeline in 2020 and quickly became a regular on the site. Having had a keen interest in nature since childhood, she enjoys spending time outdoors enjoying walks, bird watching and photographing wildlife.

With over 15 years of experience in Broadcast Television, Katy brings her creative and technical skills to the team by helping to create content for the Swan Lifeline social media pages.
Julian Nichols Julian Nichols

Julian has lived in Windsor for 15 years and loves to run, bike, walk and more recently paddle along the river. He's always been passionate about protecting wildlife and nature, and started volunteering with Swan Lifeline in late 2023. After 30 years developing strategy, innovation and communication for consumer brands, Julian is now reinventing himself as a Volunteer, focussed on protecting biodiversity, and as a Mentor, helping young people develop the skills they need to thrive.