Make a Donation

We are funded entirely by donations and legacies and couldn't do what we do with the generous support of people like you.

Your Donation

£10 buys enough bandages for one swan for a week
£15 buys feed for the swans for one day
£20 buys a swan wrap so we can transport them safely
£30 buys a life jacket for our rescuers
£50 buys a medical kit
£75 buys a swan kit, including swan hook, wrap, bag, net, rope, ladder and medical kit

Gift Aid

With Gift Aid, your donation of £15 will be worth £18.75 at no extra cost to you.

Yes, I am happy for all gifts of money that I have made to Swan Lifeline in the past four years and all future gifts of money that I make to be Gift Aid donations.
You must be a UK taxpayer and understand that if you pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all of your donations across all Charities, it is your responsibility to pay any difference.

Swan Lifeline reclaims 25p for every £1 you donate from the tax you pay for the current tax year. If you change your name, address or tax status, do let us know.

For more information about Gift Aid, please see our Gift Aid information page

Or Donate through JustGiving

Alternatively, if you have a JustGiving account, you can simply click on the button below to donate.